*Red-lored Whistler Occupancy Study: Analysis of Acoustic Data

Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE)
Central, north-western NSW

Following advice previously provided to DPIE / OEH in 2018 on the development of a survey program for Red-lored Whistlers which utilised passive acoustic sampling, Biolink is currently reviewing and analysing call data from song meters, in addition to a further examination of historical Red-lored Whistler records and associated ecological information including vegetation and fire mapping. Outputs from this project include 1) identifying the most effective survey time (i.e., season, dawn versus dusk), 2) calculating a revised detection probability inclusive of the required survey effort when using song meters, 3) modelling Red-lored Whistler occupancy in comparison to naive estimates of occupancy, 4) comparison of the efficacy of different survey techniques in terms of overall effort and detectability, and 5) Red-lored Whistler presence / absence in relation to mapped mallee vegetation and fire history. This project draws on our expertise in matters of detection probability in threatened species and further represents an opportune exploration of the ecology and habits of this critically endangered (in NSW) native bird.